Greed Poverty and Strife - We All Want A Good Life

A more profound ā€œKasiā€ township meaning of ā€œNami ngiyayifunaā€ implies, ā€œIā€™ll die for itā€ ā€“ ā€œ And if I donā€™t get it the legal way. I will find an alternative illegal means and ways to get it, so that it can be, legal enough to own it; there I have Itā€. Becomes the short-coming of those who want to take the shortest route to accumulating happiness and material wealth.


It translates into a syndrome of entitlement of certain African Black People by ā€œtakingā€ without adding a worthwhile value to earning a living the honest way. This philosophy does not distinguish between a deserving entrepreneur with grassroots and streetwise survival skills to make ends meet. 

Versus a politician whose philosophy an credibility rest on delivering his mandate to the people who elected him in power. But, chooses to be a leader  who plays a psychological tactical game of words. To delay and buy time while extending his political term of office, in order to continue misleading us. If you get what I mean! 

Suffice to say, Sowetoā€™s Window is a tourist glimpses of snapshots taken when all Sowetans spoke in one voice and stood together on one platform facing the same direction on a sane timeline. Purpose? to fight a common enemy that was Apartheid. Now! Things are different. People have no platform except politicians, musicians, pastors or paupers when they are buried. People have no voice any more, than a simple common cold cough and few even have legs to stand on!

Democracy That Is Almost Fake

A majority are hopeless and frustrated by poor, leadership and poor service delivery, because of fear. Their goal has not been met or achieved. Their price for silence is the Freedom expressed in the constitution i.e. ā€œmake them numbā€, ā€œnever complain or remember nor fight back the new systemā€ whatever happened. ā€œImagine this was a dream, when you wake up youā€™re told. Take your coffin and place it upright. Let us turn this experience as a daring bed-time story for our next generation to repeat and recite it as a poem to celebrate our ignoranceā€. How can history be this cruel to innocent people? Nothing in South Africa is what appears to be ā€œGlorifiedā€ on News or TV.

Sowetoā€™s Window is a moving picture of several pieces of a jig-saw puzzle, since 1994. If you can afford to put this little pieces together! Then youā€™ll understand why people of South Africa are ā€œsleeping dogsā€. Complacency has made every South African to believe all our problems will disappear by a magic wand. Like a miracle, life will just be a superb highway full of milk and honey, roses and money plenty of sweets and a jolly good old endless looping mp3 music. 


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