Breaking Barriers of Self Limiting Concepts To Empower Ourselves.
Black Business Monopoly is A Choice.
Why Each Black Local Business Must Use This Promo Monopoly To Attract More Consistent Customers.
Good day South African entrepreneurs and business hustlers. My name is bra Isaac I'm a business consultant and an entrepreneur like yourselves. Been consulting in corporations and private sector for over 25 years. I'm now in a different space trying to reach out and explore how struggling local businesses can tap into a bigger pool of the local consumers through various digital and online marketing channels. Like any other research and development organisation, I volunteer to experiment, test and implement solutions for any types of businesses.
We Are The Only One's Capable of Changing The Future of Our Economic Plight
I have over two business podcast channels that I author, produce and manage for corporations. Now I'm trying to target small local black businesses using both podcasts and websites to launch and promote them over and above utilising social media platforms. Why am I doing this? By now everyone who was brought up under Apartheid knows how in South Africa multinational companies operate within the ambit of our economic environment and control of monopoly of industries within our society.
Let's look at for example how shopping malls are built, managed and controlled by these multinational monopolists. I don't suggest this is a bad idea, nor do I believe it is unfair. It is a good system, because it is effective and serves our needs effectively. They have a very powerful, profitable and holistic structure where only "white-owned" businesses can flourish. From Southgate mall to the Canal Walk in Cape Town throught to Lenasia mall, Protea Glen, Tembisa, Natalspruit and Mall of the North in Limpopo etc are super-powerful consumer magnets. This is where "rental", is exorbitant, but for a simple small Black owned business like a Shoemaker or Bakery few can afford to pay their rent, probably less than 10% of small township businesses. Pick & Pay and Checkers or ShopRite stand on opposite sites of each in every shopping mall followed by likes of, dischem, clicks, Game, hifi-corporation, spitz, telkom, vodacom, Ackerman's, to name a few - and 4 major banks to the exclusion of African Bank where ABSA, FNB, Standard Bank and NEDBANK call the shorts etc,. They lineup their pockets as cashcows using "swift" debit and credit card systems to rake and collect "our" money. How many small local business use "Yoco" to enter or process sales?
What Is My Point Exactly!
Well, the so called Soweto or Johannesburg Chamber of commerce does not accommodate us. Rather we're fragmented small black businesses. Why? because each of you operate as individual entities and not collective to form or start our own umbrella organisation to consolidate "the black gold" which is the sleeping cashcow "black consumers" within our communities. I was one of the senior reseachers for this marketing project in 2001 working for a big corporate research company in this field.
Fine, each of us are entitled to operate as single entities, however what we're missing is an organised "online digital systematic marketing structure " - that can help consolidate and replace a chamber of commerce. I research, develop and implement systematic digital platforms to help local enterprises temporarily shift attention from Shopping Malls or Walk-Through-Shops via these online platforms to attract and build new customer bases. Why? to try and disrupt the (white monopoly multinational companies). Yes you'll think it is a pipe dream. Not to my thinking, 10 years from now the landscape of informal home-based enterprises will be influenced by 4IR - The question is, where will your business be by that time?. After all BRICS is not going to be a lifeline for Black people anticipating freebies of South Africas' growing economy from imported goods and services. BRICS is not a BEE or BBBEEE; it is the same as a shopping mall restructured different from a physical shopping mall. Only powerful corporations and industrialists make connections on big deals behind the scenes.
To Think Outside The Box - Is To Take Risks & Shed Your Pride!
If you're not a manufacturerer or producer of tangible good or marketable expert-services with scaled up capacity, without a product to sell - you will end up as a consumer or street distributor earning commissions. If not you'll be a beggar. Black people are seen as consumers and NOT manufacturers, creators or exporters. Until we Black folks change our attitudes and view our businesses from a "Big-Picture", few if any will affort to sell their services to "outside markets - through export" opportunities. Our collective ecommerce when properly configured is; so that Black Local Businesses can gain traction and buying power in their favour online 24/7. This is why Pakistans and Indian communities in Fordsburg's "Oriental Plaza" and Lenasia Market Places are doing well to attract, maintain and build local loyal customers throughout the years. This way their approach in sharing South Africa's economic pie by creating wealth and jobs has become the cornerstone of their success and economic stability..
Currently I've built three to over four such platforms: mentioned below to try and mobilise a powerful list of all black businesses in the South from at list 500-1000 members. This is what FABCOS, NAFCOC, ABHASA and NASASA did in 1987-90's, thereby enabling us to thrive during Apartheid times as informal traders. Our own Southern Chamber of Commerce can only come to pass through a collective vision and mindset. This is how we can harness and build loyal followers to crowdfund and support struggling enterprises and to develop new initiatives - within this membership. Also this is how you build "Local Informal Township Economy" from scatch and to create jobs. It's a pity that ANC do not think like enterprenuers nor share my sentiments and abilities to see beyond the reach of their own noses. Wow! what a waste of imagination and lose of odor in their sense of scent!
For now the're two platform services that are offered Free of Charge to Advertise From. with the exception of
Click Here: Advertise Mi
where you only pay a minimum fee just to help me host the site.
Try These Resources Free To Experiement - You Have Nothing To Lose
Why not try these resources for Free as a member to advertise. If you don't like promoting your services further, drop me an email and i;ll cancel or delete your ads completely from my system. No harm done. Alternatively you can refer someone who might need it badly. Until such time we become a force to recon with we'll have to keep fighting to prove our worth as people belong to this continent. Subscribe and comment and share your thoughts, and let's make it happen! The best way to leverage on a long-term success is to keep pushing and sharing on social media for buyer attitudes change like what persistence does to put bread on the table e.g.,. "Outsurance & Clientelle Insurance" ad campaigns by Desmond Dube. Always pursuade customers to pay attention to your brand and services by spending money on advertising. This method of advertising is called (Space Repetition), another form of attracting clients and TV viewers to remember and "remember your brand or service as the Only One that exists besides all other products or services in the consumers mind.
Business Promotion & Marketing by:
BTG- Business Traders Group
- List your business here for only: R450 per year -
- Get your article promotion only: R250 once-off
- Supply professional banners & business photos
- Contact BTG cell: 083 928 8165
- Classified adverts (optional) at: Click Here
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